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The Vanguard Cigar Club is an exclusive membership Cigar Club featuring a cigar shop as well as private lounge offering a social environment. The VCC offers membership to men and women who appreciate the pleasures of premium cigars as well as the year-round company of those who share this passion.

At our club, Members have the opportunity to enjoy camaraderie, entertain clients and friends, conduct business meetings, and smoke cigars in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Check out our amenities list. Photos will be posted as soon as we open!

The Vanguard Cigar Club (VCC) is a private Membership Club open to adults aged 21 and older. The sole purpose of Vanguard Cigar Club is to provide a welcoming and comfortable environment for its patrons, the terms and conditions in this Agreement are intended to assure such an environment is available for all Members.

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